
Creating a Healing Environment

For anyone who is unwell or ill, creating an environment free of clutter and toxicity is a must.

When having to deal with a physical, emotional or mental health problem, life can be a constant challenge. For energy sensitives there is the added stress in the way we interpret and absorb the environment around us adding more pressure on an already worn down system. Creating a healing recovery environment is a conscious way we can bring energy back into our bodies to assist with the healing needed. I’m sure we have all had times when unwell, and being in company for even a small amount of time can leave us feeling drained and worn out.

Below I have outlined some ways in which you can support your healing, creating ways to keep bringing an energetic gain into your body and not a drain out your body. These tips and techniques for energy sensitives are also a great way to use as a preventative measure keeping your self care and conscious living at the forefront of your mind.

Clear your environment of negative drains

If you have a family or share your living space get them involved in keeping clutter at bay in communal areas. Even better, have a clear out. If it does not bring a feeling of joy get it out of the house. If it’s chipped, ripped, two sizes too small get it out. Be strong about the feel of it and how you feel about it. Whether it’s a vase, picture or tee shirt matters not, if you don’t feel good about it, it goes. Donate, recycle, give it away or throw it away.

Where you rest and sleep is an important way to bring in energy to your system. Again clear the space. Everywhere you look it’s imperative to see only that which infuses you with positive energy. Nothing that drains, only items where you gain. On awakening every morning I would suggest burning some sage to release and purify your space from any anxiety or tension that may have been released through your dreams/sleep.

Items which are great to bring into your home, especially your bedroom, include crystals or artwork that inspires and raises positive feelings in you and pictures of people/places/ animals that are inspirational to you. Bring nature indoors with plants and herbs that are beneficial to your healing or perhaps a bunch of your favourite flowers.

Use oil burners or incense to lift your space as well as candles. Potted lavender at your main entrance is a way you can use the conscious intention by rubbing it as you leave home and re-enter your home. Lavender is an energy body delight promoting calm and a sense of tranquillity within the body, great as a tea too.

Using relaxing background music lifts the energy of a space wonderfully well as is playing frequencies turned down even to inaudible level can be highly therapeutic. YouTube has a varied selection. In the car keep positive audio CD’s handy. Using music, frequencies and audio CD’s are all positive ways in which to support ourselves environmentally and draw energy back into our system.

Align, limit or eliminate.

When unwell those who we choose to have around us can have a major impact on our energy levels. For energy sensitives, even the best of health, friendships, relationships and group interactions can be daunting. So while healing consider what support you would like from your family and friends and what role you would like to assign them in supporting you. Think in terms of align, limit or eliminate. Align with those around you who you feel you can be open and honest and who understand and respect your boundaries and wishes. Choose wisely with who you share. As sharing your fears with a fearful friend would not be in your energy’s best interest. Although well meaning, friends who carry a lot of fear may amplify your fears, so can be a drain on your system. With this in mind,

    • Who in your life can you share you fears with?

    • Who do you feel safe with expressing your fear?

    • Who in your life helps you put things back in perspective and alleviates your

If you have none who fits the criteria, I suggest you seek out a therapist who can support you. If you have a particular health issue such as cancer or an autoimmune disorder for example, there are many online supportive communities which can help with forums and advice. If you do have someone in your life, then honour the time you have together and allow yourself to release any unspoken fears you may have.

Share your fears ritual

Light a candle, burn some incense or sage and take the time to honour releasing your fears with your designated person. When finished blow out the candle and make a conscious decision that you will keep your fears for this space and with this witness only.

Align with those who can offer practical support, whether its taking the kids to school, looking after your pets, picking up groceries, lifts to appointments or help around the house. Utilise these kinds of support, they are an invaluable asset to your aligned team.

Align with those who are uplifting and you leave them feeling brighter, stronger and in a positive mindset.

Align with those who are strong in a crisis.

Limit or eliminate anyone who drains you.

Other things to consider

Look honestly at your life and where you need to make changes. Your body is asking
this of you.

Remember it’s just as important what we put in our mouths as what comes out, along with considering what we put on our skin and the chemicals we use in our homes.

Around any Dr appointments or hospital appointments etc, try to plan the rest of your day around the highest self care and think of ways can you nurture yourself after any stressful appointments.

Ways in which we can nurture yourself include a walk in nature, a good book or a catch up with a positive friend. A bath filled with essential oils and Epsom salts, sitting by water, allowing yourself to rest.

Try not to use your energy unnecessarily, if you are offered support take it.

If you have a particular illness, look out for inspirational books or films that are based around similar experiences which can uplift and inspire you.

Don’t be scared to keep your boundary in place if you must deal with someone you find draining. Try to limit face to face conversations and speak via the phone if possible. In this way you can light a candle,hold a crystal, burn some sage and have a positive affirmation where you can see it to keep your energy centred. An example of an affirmation you could use is

“I am handling this conversation beautifully and I am holding on to my valuable energy and allowing nothing and no one to take mine.”

Crystal amulets such as necklaces, earrings or stones in the pockets are effective as talismans. Just be guided to which stone etc. you feel drawn too.

Keeping a spray bottle handy with a mix of essential oils that you can spray whenever you feel you wish to freshen up your home/workspace, when you feel the energy is draining. For example Rosemary is great for memory, citrus is great for uplifting and invigorating you. Lavender and Chamomile are great to help support relaxation.

We are the Way


Copyright Kerry Sweet

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