

The birth of Disappear How could I reach someone who I couldn’t get too physically, who was close to the edge and out in the cold, lost to themselves and in pain? How could I support them? Whats the words they needed to hear, if I couldn’t hold them?

Watch Disappear Now




I just want to disappear,

don’t know where I want to be

don’t know how I feel

from where have been


I just want to understand,

what it is I’m doing here

what is my big plan

what can it be


Just need to see

the moment I gave up

being all of me

and I need to hear

connect  in with myself

so I can make my peace

and I can finally just be here


Just want to move

back from the edge

and out of the cold

just want to let go


Just want to know

the moment that I closed down that door


Just need to see

the moment I stopped being all of me

and I need to hear

connect in with myself

so I can make my peace

and I can finally just be here


And I just want to understand

when I stopped holding my own hand

When did I change


Cause I just need to see

and find my way back to being me

and I just need to hear

connect back in with myself

so I can make my peace

and I can finally just be here

and just be here

I can finally be here




Thank you to all my fellow sensitives for sharing your wisdom which became quotes in the background of this video. Words you would have liked to hear when you were close to the edge and out in the cold, as always my deepest admiration and appreciation to you all.

We are the Way

Copyright Kerry Sweet

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