What is the energetic reading for the coming year?

Hello Abram,

What is the energetic reading for the coming year?

I cannot answer you in the Way of a year kerry, I can only answer in the here, the now.

So what is happening here, in the now for us Abram? Here, now.

You continue to deepen back into re-remembrance of all that you are. Many soul vows are now completed. This sense of completion allows for more of the soul’s individual purpose to be realised. This is here, now again a time of choices. These choices will either allow the soul to move toward full expression of its purpose. Fear will desire to keep soul consciousness in a state of inhibition.

How does this translate into human experiences Abram?

You simply ask yourselves. Is this choice made from love or fear? Here, now, this holds more importance than ever in the Way of consciousness. This question allows for conscious decision making. It allows for free will. As the consciousness of love, of light, of the soul, never hides from truth. If a soul consciously chooses to stay in any situation that is based in fear then this is simply where this soul is in its evolution. This soul is not ready to expand. It is the expansion that brings more wisdom, love, light. This expansion connects us back to the ‘light of one.’ Many messengers and guides are in human form and desire nothing more than to support a souls awakening. This is their purpose. To release the soul from the infection of fear. However as you yourself understand you cannot force a soul to step into expansion, into more of their wisdom, love, light. A guide, a messenger cannot walk the way for them only hold states of self until the person consciously choose expansion, liberation from any unexpressed pain, from fear.

Thank you Abram, I understand.

I love you

We love you We are as always in love

Copyright Kerry Sweet

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